How the system of evaluating works on the Contras works

Criteria for evaluating works in the competition

In order to ensure the greatest possible objectivity and systematize the work of the judging panels, they will be guided by the following criteria:

  1. Technique - Workmanship, care, finishing of the model, construction of the base/plinth/scene,
  2. Artistic value - Color composition, use of light, eye-catching points, textures, etc...,
  3. Message - The idea, the atmosphere, the story contained in the model,

The works are submitted anonymously, and the judging panels do not have information about the authors of the works.

These are only general rules, because we are aware that all manifestations of artistic activity are subject to a very subjective interpretation of each observer, and it is impossible to judge here in point scales. We define universal principles away from personal preferences, styles, as well as trends. Each of the above-mentioned characteristics will be an equal part of the evaluation.

The most important criteria for judging the works in the Story/The Story category are: readability of the message, attractiveness of the story (idea/creativity), quality of the artwork, aesthetics of the whole work.